Thursday, September 16, 2021

Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 22000.194 tersedia di Beta Channel


Tiga pekan Menjelang rilis Windows 11 versi final Microsoft merilis Windows 11 Build 22000.194 untuk beta channel dan Channel Reales Preview.  Versi Windows 11 ini adalah versi penyempurnaan build sebelum rilis Final Windows 11, diantara beberapa perbaikan pada build ini termasuk aplikasi berikut dengan update desain aplikasi Snipping Tool, Calculator, dan Clock dengan Focus Sessions. 

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Adapun detail update dari Windows 11 build 22000.194 adalah berikut ini :

Fixes in Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 22000.194

  • Addressed an issue where if you enable then disable a contrast theme, it would lead to artifacts in title bars, in some cases making the minimize/maximize/close buttons hard to see and use.
  • Fixed a crash with certain connected devices that could result in not being able to use Bluetooth.
  • Mitigated an issue that was resulting in subtitles not appearing when expected in certain apps, particularly Japanese language subtitles.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing certain PCs to bugcheck during modern standby.
  • Mitigated an issue when typing with certain 3rd party IMEs into the search box in Settings that could result in the candidate window being rendered elsewhere on-screen (not attached to the search box) and/or characters inserted into the search box not displaying.
  • Fixed an issue that causes PowerShell to create an infinite number of child directories. This issue occurs when you use the PowerShell Move-Item command to move a directory to one of its children. As a result, the volume fills up and the system stops responding.
  • This build includes a change that aligns the enforcement of the Windows 11 system requirements on Virtual Machines (VMs) to be the same as it is for physical PCs. This means you need to enable TPM in you virtualization software. This change has been announced earlier. If you are using Hyper-V, you need to install Windows 11 using the second-gen VM type.
  • Besides the fixes, there is a list of known issues that you will find in the official announcement.

Semoga informasi tentang Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 22000.194 tersedia di Beta Channel bermanfaat berikan tanggapan dan komentar anda pada kolom disqus dibawah ini.

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